
Network Engineer & Linux Geek!

Actively seeking Full-Time job opportunities
(Starting December 2017)
About Me!!

Computer Networking 97%
Embedded Systems 87%
Researcher at Stevens Institue of Technology under Verizon Research Grant - Video Quality of Experience (VQoE)
- Developing a UI based Control Plane Layer for Home Networks
- Working with Media Streaming Protocols: MPEG-DASH, HLS
- Working with Internet Protocols: BGP, UDP, QUIC, NTP, TCP
- Deploying and Managing Nationwide(US) Internet Scale Measurements
- Handling and Troubleshooting 8 servers across US - Amazon Web Services (EC2)
- Developing utility applications for CDNs

Computer Networking

Masters Thesis

Live Streaming

MPEG-DASH Live Streaming System

Embedded Systems

Hand Gestre based American Sign Language Recognition System


Misc. Coding
